Are you Waiting for things to get Better?

Posted by on July 16, 2015 in Anxiety, Depression, Stress | 1 comment

Are you Waiting for things to get Better?

Are you Waiting for things to get Better?  Be honest for a moment, when you think of the good things you are trying to create and manifest in your life right now, is there anything you’re “waiting” for? Perhaps you’re waiting until you get more clarity on your purpose before you start the business you’ve wanted to start. Maybe you already have a business and you’re “waiting” for clients to come in. or your waiting for your supervisor to give you a raise. This usually happens when you’ve done something to get it moving and then you figure it should all just happen after that so you just wait to see the results.


You are stopping your own momentum!


Waiting literally puts the brakes on your creation process. It takes the wonderful energy you had when you started out on the project you’re working on and quickly deflates it. The thing about waiting is that it shifts the energy from creation, where you are consciously taking part in the process to passively waiting for something outside of yourself. When you do this you give away your power to externals.

And then life happens TO you instead of BECAUSE of you


When the desire is strong enough AND you’re showing up to create, you WILL have the ideas coming to you on what is your next step, or you’ll find someone else who has been there and done that and can now help you. When you wait you have disengaged.


An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.

A lot of people get tripped up when the results start coming in. They look at what results they are getting and immediately compare it to the goal they set and they notice the difference – they notice that they’re not there yet. This is where the waiting energy once again because you’re showing that you’re not CONTINUING to create the results, you’ve stopped and now you’re watching what comes in with no thought that you can improve your results. You spend time judging yourself now that can be good if you are looking to see if you need to take additional or different action steps. But it doesn’t work if this is a time where you sit back and make yourself feel bad. Judging actually means to form an opinion after careful consideration. Judging is evaluative you are assessing the situation. The two are very different be aware of how you talk to yourself. Notice if what you are saying is useful or not. The unbalanced force is when you decide to act impulsively because the goal is not achieved


Does that mean you should be frenetically active filling the atmosphere with Type A gibberish and anxiety. Well no, there is a difference between waiting and watching. Watching is when you have put the plan in motion and now you need to see several interactions that will occur. You do not need to be in a constant state of action. Watching is active you are still in the game because you are looking at the results and asking yourself if you need to make adjustments.


Instead of being passive comparing what your results are to what your intention is, to see a failure celebrate every bit of evidence of the work you have done. If you get one email response, celebrate that! As soon as you get the first client, celebrate that rather than saying, yeah but it’s only 1 and I wanted 3. Affirm that you WILL get 3; you will do whatever it takes to create it. Then look at what worked and what didn’t – lesson learned.




Waiting is such a damaging energy


When you wait you are doing nothing.



1 Comment

  1. This is a good perspective on how paralyzing waiting can be.

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