Let’s be lazy

Posted by on August 7, 2013 in Anxiety, Depression, Stress | 0 comments

Let’s be lazy

In the last days of summer sit back and breathe. Even better have some fun.  We all push ourselves and often people don’t realize that the pressure is breaking them down. This breakdown is often shown through anxiety and depression.  Anxiety is often expressed by tremendous worry over what hasn’t been done.  Depression is looking at what has been accomplished and not feeling satisfied or able to complete what needs to be one. Americans work hard and play hard. Then we go to sleep.  What we have lost is the fine art of resting.

Slip into the day with grace

Try a morning where instead of frantically checking your phone you move in slowly.  Meditate, do yoga, listen to some music (we’re talking adagios here not rap) make a special breakfast. Don’t pick your clothes off the floor, get dressed and drink coffee on am empty stomach.  Put some thought into your day

Pay it forward

Remember that amazing movie tried putting into your life?  When you do something for someone else they get a burst of serotonin and so do you.  And if you pay it forward you can keep that stream flowing. Kindness matters not only to others but to you as well.

Let’s get physical

There is something else that also boots serotonin levels.  Hugging, kisses, pats and whatever.  Affection matters.  Smiling changes situations. And laughter!  Laughter gives your body an additional supply of relaxation.  And moving the body helps.  I know you know that exercise can get you out of slumps and it relaxes you to. Go for a massage. Never forget to feel better connect back in to your body


Do something for the pleasure of it

We live in a competitive world so do something that isn’t competitive that you enjoy reading, walking, painting or sailing.  This is a chance for you to turn off and enjoy something. When you are always performing to meet someone else’s expectations you are putting yourself through a slow dying. If it has been a long time since you have allowed yourself to this and you don’t know what to do just try something.  If it doesn’t work try another thing

Something really radical

Pick your head up out of your phone!!!!

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