Boundary Bashers

Boundary Bashers

We all have them in our lives sometimes we call them friends, BFF, Mom or my all-time favorite supervisor. We all know when we have been bashed. It is a sinking angry, annoyed feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach. I have heard some clients say it feels like having a welcome mat on my back that says step on me. Sometimes it feels like someone just sucked the life out of you. Or you get angry but somehow that feels helpless to. It...

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Short term Psychotherapy – Achieve your goals by the summer

Short term Psychotherapy – Achieve your goals by the summer

                I have four openings left before my private practice is filled and I want to work with a very specific type of client. The coaching would last for 12 weeks just through the spring. You are someone who has specific goals that you want to accomplish by the end of that 12 week period. During these 12 weeks you will create a vision, find the steps to get there and the things that stop you then...

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Don’t judge yourself by what other people did to you

Don’t judge yourself by what other people did to you

  A lot of people believe that when other people react they caused it. That some people have the kinds of personality that you can predict how the room will react. Or they look for patterns to support this idea. One thing that I find frustrating is when people come into therapy to ask what is it about them that makes people react the way that they do. Not to burst any bubbles here but most people are thinking about themselves and I have...

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Now is the Winter of our disconnect

Now is the Winter of our disconnect

Many people experience depression during the winter but does it have to be like this? There are certain steps that we can take to beat off the winter blues. Some that come to mind are things that you do physically like getting rest, exercise and eating right.   It is also important, even if you don’t want to go out in the cold to be social. Though I prefer movies, music a good book! Some people even sit under sun lamps. But you know all of this...

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You have to keep house like Martha Stewart, parent like Donna Reed, work like Sheryl Sandberg, and look like Jennifer Anniston

You have to keep house like Martha Stewart, parent like Donna Reed, work like Sheryl Sandberg, and look like Jennifer Anniston

We do not value our families as much as we value prestige and money.  In other words the opinion of others is more important than asking ourselves what we want  When a woman starts thinking about having children, Sheryl Sandberg said, “she doesn’t raise her hand anymore … She starts leaning back.”  So how bad would laid back be?  It sounds like a criticism to think about children. That by not raising our hand we are doing something wrong! What...

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Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

When I was younger and competing to get into schools and then competing to stay in them I thought there would be a moment when I had arrived when It happened. I wasn’t quite certain what it was but what it would mean is that everything would become effortless. I think you see the handwriting on the wall faster than I did. When I proved myself I had just thrown myself in a bigger pond and the cycle began again. But what happens over time is that...

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